I have a project where the wwwroot for an ASP.NET Core application is an SPA managed entirely by a node build chain. This means VS is completely hands-off with regards to the development of the UI, but it does have to somewhat be aware of it to debug and publish.
VS2015 / project.json Build
The project.json file looked as follows:
"buildOptions": { "emitEntryPoint": true, "preserveCompilationContext": true, "compile": { "exclude": ["wwwroot"] } }, "publishOptions": { "include": [ "wwwroot/dist/prod", "appsettings.json", "web.config" ] }
This would result in the wwwroot not getting compiled whatsoever, but the files within ‘dist’ would get published along with the .NET code. The node_modules folder was hidden within the VS Solution Explorer.
VS2017 / CSProj build
The auto-migration with VS2017 will attempt to follow the changes in the project.json, but the end result won’t work. VS will be super slow due to the node_modules folder, while also trying to compile the Typescript. You can wholesale block the compilation of Typescript, but I prefer to be a bit more explicit about what I want VS to do. Edit the .csproj for your project, and use the following ItemGroup to do ensure it does the same as the project.json from earlier:
<ItemGroup> <Compile Remove="wwwroot\**" /> <Content Remove="wwwroot\**" /> <EmbeddedResource Remove="wwwroot\**" /> <None Remove="wwwroot\**" /> <Content Include="wwwroot\dist\prod\**\*" /> <Content Update="wwwroot\dist\prod\**\*;appsettings.json;web.config"> <CopyToPublishDirectory>PreserveNewest</CopyToPublishDirectory> </Content> </ItemGroup>
This has the additional advantage in that the files we don’t care about in wwwroot are automatically hidden for all users of the solution – no manually hiding from Solution Explorer.
Thank you so much! Trying to find this everything… teach me to upgrade to VS2017 on day of release.
This configuration also copies the .json files from the route of the project. How can i exclude them from being copied
ie. package.json, tsconfig.json, tslint.json, typings.json, *.deps.json, *.user.json
All the above i would like to exclude from being copied when i publish
Never mind, i found the answer here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/42490607/excluding-file-from-publish-directory-in-vs-2017-net-core-project